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© Copyright Peter Crawford 2013 |
And the Will lieth therin, which dieth not.
Who knoweth the mysteries of the Will and its vigour ?
For God is but a great Will pervading all things by the nature of its intentness.
Man doth not yield himself to the Angels nor to Death uterly, save only through the weakness of his feeble Will !
Joseph Glanvill - (1636–1680)
Strangely, very few people really understood to what he was really refering.
The will, or more correctly, the 'True Will', is the very essence of a magical understanding of the universe.
When Hitler first mentioned the will, when talking to Kubizek (see left), he was refering to the will as most people understand it, and as it is found in the writings of Freiderich Nietzsche (der Wille zur Macht) (see right).

The 'will to power' is a prominent concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche.
The will to power describes what Nietzsche may have believed to be the main driving force in man: achievement, ambition, the striving to reach the highest possible position in life; these are all manifestations of the will to power.
Friedrich Nietzsche found early influence from Schopenhauer (see right), whom he first discovered in 1865. Schopenhauer puts a central emphasis on will and in particular has a concept of the "will to live."
Writing a generation before Nietzsche, Schopenhauer explained that the universe and everything in it is driven by a primordial will to live, which results in all living creatures' desire to avoid death and procreate.
For Schopenhauer, this will is the most fundamental aspect of reality — more fundamental even than being.
(Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung)
After his contact with Dietrich Eckart (see left below), however, Hitler's references to the will often refer to the 'True Will', which is the very essence of the occult understanding of the universe.
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There is a part of man which is of a singular nature, although the mind is unable to perceive it as such.
Man considers himself a centre of will and a centre of perception.
Will and perception are not separate but only appear so to the mind.
The unity which appears to the mind to exert the twin functions of will and perception is called the True Will by magicians.
Sometimes it is called the spirit, or soul, or life force, instead.
The True Will cannot be experienced directly because it is the basis of consciousness (or experience), and it has no fixed qualities which the mind can latch on to.
The True Will is the consciousness, it is the elusive "I" which confers self-awareness but does not seem to consist of anything itself.
The True Will can sometimes be felt as ecstasy or inspiration, but it is deeply buried in the dualistic mind.
It is mostly trapped in the aimless wanderings of thought and in identification with experience and in that cluster of opinions about ourselves called ego.
Magic is concerned with giving the the True Will more freedom and flexibility and with providing means by which it can manifest its occult power
The True Will is capable of occult power because it is a fragment of the great life force of the universe.
Consider the world of apparent dualisms we inhabit.
The mind views a picture of this world in which everything is a duality.
A thing is said to exist and exert certain properties.
Being and Doing.
This calls for the concepts of cause and effect or causality.
Every phenomenon is seen to be caused by some previous thing, however this description cannot explain how everything exists in the first place or even how one thing finally causes another.
Obviously things have originated and do continue to make each other happen.
The "thing" responsible for the origin and continued action of events may called God or 'the prime mover'.
This power is also the force which adds increasing complexity to the universe by spawning structures which were not inherent in its component parts.

It is the force which has caused life to evolve itself out of dust, and is currently most clearly manifest in the human life force, or True Will, where it is the source of consciousness.
Magical will may exert its effects directly on the universe, or it may use symbols or sigils as intermediaries such as the runes (see left) and the swastika (see right).
From a magical point of view, it is axiomatic that we have created the world in which we exist. Looking about himself, the occultist, such as Hitler, can say "thus have I willed," or "thus do I perceive," or more accurately, "thus does my True Will manifest."
It may seen strange to have willed such limiting circumstances, but any form of dualistic manifestation or existence implies limits.
If the 'True Will' had willed a different set of limitations, it would have incarnated elsewhere.
The tendency of things to continue to exist, even when unobserved, is due to their having their being in the Universal Will.
An occultist can only change something if he can "match" the Universal Will which is upholding the normal event.
This is the same as becoming one with the source of the event.
This is the same as becoming one with the source of the event.
His will becomes the will of the universe in some particular aspect.
It is for this reason that people who witness real magical happenings at close range are sometimes overcome with nausea and may even die.
The part of their will or life force which was upholding the normal reality is forcibly altered when the abnormal occurs.
If this type of occult activity is attempted with a number of people working in perfect synchronization, it works much better.
Conversely, it is even more difficult to perform in front of many persons, all of whom are upholding the ordinary course of events.
In trying to develop the 'True Will', the most fatal pitfall is to confuse will with the chauvinism of the ego.
The 'True Will' is not willpower, virility, obstinancy, or hardness.
The 'True Will' is unity of desire.
True Will expresses itself best against no resistance when its action passes unnoticed.
The occultist therefore seeks unity of desire before he attempts to act.
Desires are re-arranged before an act, not during it. In all things he must live like this.
As reorganization of belief is the key to liberation, so is reorganization of desire the key to will.
In practice, many difficulties can be solved by using a powerful sigil or symbol - in Hitler's case the swastika (see left).
The desire is represented by some pictorial glyph, or by some image in the mind's eye.
This serves as a focus for the will.
When considering any form of occult activity it is easier to manipulate events while they are still embryonic or at their inception.
Thus does the occultist turn that aspect of the universal will, which manifests as causality, to his advantage, rather than oppose it.
The desire then manifests as a convenient, but strange, coincidence, rather than as a startling discontinuity.
The 'True Will' may be strengthened by one other technique aside from the concentrations of magical trance - which Hitler achieved by his rallies and speeches (see right), and that is by luck.
The occultist should observe the current of his luck in small, inconsequential matters, find the conditions for its success, and try to extend his luck in various small ways.
He who is doing his 'True Will' is assisted by the momentum of the universe - as Hitler was during his rise to power after the failed Munich Putsch.
The 'True Will' is but a small fragment of the great life force of the universe, which contains the twin impulses to immerse itself in duality and to escape from duality.
It will continuously reincarnate until the first impulse is exhausted.
The second impulse is the root of the mystic quest, the union of the liberated spirit with 'The One'.
To the extent that the the 'True Will' can become one with the 'Universal Will' it can extend its will and perception into the universe to accomplish magic.
Between the 'Universal Will' and ordinary matter, and between the 'True Wil'l and the mind, there exists a realm of half formed substance called the Aether (see left).
It is unformed matter of a very tenuous, probabilistic nature.
It consists of all the possibilities which have not yet become solid realities.
It is the "medium" by which the "non-existent" will translates itself into "real" effects.
It forms a sort of backdrop out of which real events and real thoughts materialize.
Because aetheric events are only partially evolved into material existence, they do not have a precise location in space or time.
They do not have a precise mass or energy either, and at that point do not necessarily affect the physical plane.
From the aetheric realm of nascent possibility only what we call sensible, causal, probable, or normal events usually come into existence – yet, as we are centres of the 'True Will' ourselves, we can sometimes call very unlikely coincidences or unexpected events into existence by manipulating the aether.
Such is magic.
Even the physical sciences have begun to blunder into the aetheric with their discoveries of quantum indeterminacy and virtual processes in subatomic matter.
It is the aether, which surrounds the central core of the life force, with which the magician is concerned.
Its normal function is as a thought intermediary, yet its properties are so infinitely mutable that almost anything can be accomplished with it.
Thought gives it shape and the 'True Will' gives it power.
Thus are will and perception extended into areas of time and space beyond the physical limitations of the material body.
The mastery of the 'True Will' - (wahren Willen) was, for Germanic Occultists, primarily an achievement of the Aryan man, and it was considered that only in the Aryan man was this faculty preserved.
It was considered that admixture with the blood of the races of a 'lesser god' had weakened the faculty of the 'True Will' in all other racial groups other than that of the Aryans.
The mastery of the 'True Will' - (wahren Willen) was, for Germanic Occultists, primarily an achievement of the Aryan man, and it was considered that only in the Aryan man was this faculty preserved.
It was considered that admixture with the blood of the races of a 'lesser god' had weakened the faculty of the 'True Will' in all other racial groups other than that of the Aryans.
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There is no point in looking to the first chapter of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' in order to elucidate the origins of the development of the 'True Will' in the person of Adolf Hitler - that first chapter is a 'fairy tale' - written very much in the style of a fairy tale.

That children can perform acts of magic is undoubtedly true, but such acts occur spontaneously, without forethought or concious effort.
Undoubtedly the young boy Adolf was a wilful child, causing both his parents (see left) much heartache.
Our only independent and objective account of the character and personality, however, comes from Hitler's only boyhood friend, Gustav Kubizek (see right).
Kubizek makes it clear that Hitler was strong willed - obsessive in fact.
Young Adolf was obsessive in his infatuation for Stephanie (see right), a young lady he idolised, and yet he was not wilful enough to speak to her or even approach her.
Equally, young Adolf was wilful in his architectural studies - although they were unstructured and essentially non-academic.
What is lacking in Kubizek's description of his young friend, however, is the faculty of will that was able to mesmerise and mould the attitudes and behaviour of those around him - which was a characteristic of Hitler as a mature adult.
The young Hitler, as described by Kubizek, was essentially a non-entity - someone whom the world ignored.
There was, however, one feature in Hitler's appearance that was a harbinger of his later power over others - his eyes.
As Kubizek states:
'Never in my life have I seen any other person whose appearance -- how shall I put it -- was so completely dominated by the eyes (see right).

They were the light eyes of his mother (see left), but her somewhat staring, penetrating gaze was even more marked in the son and had even more force and expressiveness.
It was uncanny how these eyes could change their expression, especially when Adolf was speaking.
To me his sonorous voice meant much less than the expression of his eyes.
In fact, Adolf spoke with his eyes, and even when his lips were silent one knew what he wanted to say.
When he first came to our house and I introduced him to my mother, she said to me in the evening, "What eyes your friend has!"
And I remember quite distinctly that there was more fear than admiration in her words.
If I am asked where one could perceive, in his youth, this man's exceptional qualities, I can only answer, "In the eyes."'
There was, however, one feature in Hitler's appearance that was a harbinger of his later power over others - his eyes.
As Kubizek states:

It was uncanny how these eyes could change their expression, especially when Adolf was speaking.
To me his sonorous voice meant much less than the expression of his eyes.
In fact, Adolf spoke with his eyes, and even when his lips were silent one knew what he wanted to say.
When he first came to our house and I introduced him to my mother, she said to me in the evening, "What eyes your friend has!"
And I remember quite distinctly that there was more fear than admiration in her words.
If I am asked where one could perceive, in his youth, this man's exceptional qualities, I can only answer, "In the eyes."'
After Kubizek lost contact with his young friend, Hitler drifted, apparently aimlessly, first in Vienna, and later in Munich. No one paid him much attention, and he struggled to make a living as an artist.

In 1914 the Great War began, and Hitler joined the Bavarian Army.
Hitler, from all the surviving (and un-doctored) accounts of him, was something of an enigma to his army colleagues (see right).
He refused to behave like a normal soldier, in that he never requested leave and refrained from entering into bawdy talk concerning the local girls.
Now and then he'd pontificate upon the evils of smoking and drinking - hardly a cause endearing to the average soldier.
During this time he drove many to the edge of distraction, especially when it came to his political 'lectures'.
Listening to his rants on Marxist conspiracies and plots, whilst stuck in a dug-out on the receiving end of an Allied bombardment, would have made any man despair.
His greatest pleasures were to either paint trench scenes or spend time eating bread piled high with jam.
At one point he befriended a dog called Foxl (see left and above right) - (Hitler had a great affinity with canines).
He was distraught when the dog was either lost or stolen.
In the art of soldiering, Hitler was a consummate professional, and this gained him a great amount of respect with his comrades.
Once through his basic training, Hitler volunteered for the dangerous job of Meldeganger or regimental messenger.
He was initially posted to the front at Ypres.
As a result of the First Battle of Ypres, only six hundred men, in Hitler's regiment, out of an original total of three thousand and five hundred, survived.
Hitler himself was later wounded in the thigh at the Somme and spent a short time in a military hospital in Berlin, recovering.
Rejoining his regiment he took part in the battle of Arras, and in 1917, visited Berlin and Dresden while on leave.
As a result of the First Battle of Ypres, only six hundred men, in Hitler's regiment, out of an original total of three thousand and five hundred, survived.
Hitler himself was later wounded in the thigh at the Somme and spent a short time in a military hospital in Berlin, recovering.
Rejoining his regiment he took part in the battle of Arras, and in 1917, visited Berlin and Dresden while on leave.
It took nerves of steel to rush, deliver and return with staff messages in the midst of a heavy barrage.
Twice awarded the Iron Cross (see right), receiving the Iron Cross, Second Class, in 1914 and Iron Cross, First Class, in 1918, .along with the Military Cross 3rd Class with Swords (see left), for outstanding bravery, it may seem strange that at a time when non-commissioned officers were in very short supply, Hitler was never promoted beyond the rank of lance corporal.
Hitler described the war as "the greatest of all experiences" (see right) and he was praised by his commanding officers for his bravery, despite not being promoted.

It seems that his superiors thought that he lacked leadership qualities, and could not command the respect of his fellow soldiers - so where was Hitler's much vaunted 'will' in this situation ?
The simple fact is that Hitler had not, at that point, discovered how to control his inner 'True Will', although, without his concious awareness of the fact, it had, undoubtedly, contributed to his survival of the appalling holocaust of the trenches.
There are some individuals for whom access to the forces generated by the 'True Will' is possible with little concious effort.
Such individuals are deemed to be fortunate, or lucky, always 'landing on their feet' despite adversity.
Such a person was Hitler.
Despite his apparent setbacks, such as the failure to become an artist or architect, when it 'came to the crunch', HItler survived the War against all the odds.
The probable explanation is that his ambitions to be an artist or architect were simply ego-driven desires encouraged by a certain felicity in those areas, whereas Hitler's 'True Will' was in reality focused on far more profound goals - and his 'True Will' preserved him, regardless of the dangers that he faced.

However, on 15 October 1918, Hitler's luck seemed to run out, and he was temporarily blinded by a mustard gas attack (see left) and was hospitalised in Pasewalk (see right).
While there, Hitler learnt of Germany's defeat, and—by his own account—on receiving this news, he suffered a second bout of blindness.
Researchers have suggested his secondary blindness - which has been described as 'hysterical amblyopiamay' - was the result of conversion disorder brought on by his shock that Germany had lost the war.
Unable to see, Hitler was subjected to a period of sensory deprivation which, it may be argued, was crucial to his further development - so in fact his 'True Will' had once again been working in his favour, by allowing him to suffer the results of the gas attack.
Short-term periods of sensory deprivation are described as relaxing and conducive to meditation; however, extended or forced sensory deprivation can result in extreme anxiety, hallucinations, bizarre thoughts, and depression.
There can, however, be other outcomes to a period of sensory deprivation.
In 'Mein Kampf' (see left) Hitler describes, in detail, his physical pain along with the anguish and despair he felt when he learned of Germany's defeat.
While initially the effects of his gassing must have caused him considerable pain, what he fails to tell us is that once the physical pain had subsided, he found himself in a prolonged state of sensory deprivation; known to para-psychologists as 'the ganzfeld effect'; confined to his bed, unable to see and in the hushed atmosphere of a hospital ward.

According to Hitler, he experienced a 'vision' from 'another world' while at the hospital (see right).
Magic, as has been explained, is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the 'True Will'.
The 'True Will' can only become magically effective when the mind is focused, and not interfering with the will.
The mind must first focus its entire attention on some meaningless phenomenon.
If an attempt is made to focus on some form of desire, the effect is short circuited by lust for the result.
In Hitler's case, in Pasewalk (see left), his hysterical blindness and restriction to his bed allowed his mind to focus, even if it was only on the quietness, the pain in his eyes and the blackness, and the result was the beginning of a transformative process which eventually brought his 'True Will' under his concious control - however the process was not instant, and much would have to occur before Hitler developed the powers which would later catapult him to fame and power.

It was during this period that Hitler often stayed with Eckart in Eckart's house on the Obersalzburg, called the Sonnenhauesl, or as Hitler called it, the "Sonnenkopfl," (see right) at Lockstein.
Initailly Hitler was still lacking in discilpine, despite his experiences in Vienna, at the Front, and at Pasewalk, and he was unable to focus his 'True Will' without the desires of his ego interfering with the process.
At that time commentators describe Hitler as being gauche and unsophisticated, although he was already developing a remarkable ability in public speaking.
Hitler's poor judgement climaxed in the abortive Putsch of 1923.

The Beer Hall Putsch (also known as the Munich Putsch), was a failed attempt at revolution that occurred between the evening of 8 November and the early afternoon of 9 November 1923, when Hitler, Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff, and other heads of the Kampfbund unsuccessfully tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.
The Putsch failed, and both Hitler and Eckart were arrested and subsequently condemned to a short prison sentence.
Eckart was to die in 1923 but in the little time that he had left he completed Hitler's initiation into the teachings and rituals of the 'Secret Doctrine' which would enable Hitler to access his 'True Will'.
Just before he died Eckart made the following statement to the senior members of the Thule Gesellschaft.

I have initiated him into the 'Secret Doctrine', opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers.
Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced History more than any other German".
And Eckart was right - Hitler's ability to communicate with the Powers unleashed his 'True Will' to a phenomenal extent - at least for a time.
Hitler's intense personal magnetism, released by his unfettered 'True Will' is related to the concept of the 'daemonic'.
Hence the above descriptions are ludicrous if applied to Mussolini or Stalin, but perfect if applied to men such as Rasputin (see right), Gurdjieff (see left) or Crowley, with whom Hitler must be classed.
All four men had been able to access the power of the 'True Will'.
Time and time again we come upon the phrase used to describe Hitler,
‘the unconscious tool of higher powers'.
We may add to the testimony of witnesses we have quoted earlier the words of the French Ambassador, Francois-Poncet;
‘He entered into a sort of mediumistic trance; the expression of his face was ecstatic,' and of another Frenchman, Bouchez:
‘I looked into his eyes - the eyes of a medium in a trance ... Sometimes there seemed to be a sort of ectoplasm; the speaker's body seemed to be inhabited by something ...'
And Rauschnig said of Hitler -
'One cannot help but think of him as a medium...beyond any doubt Hitler was possessed by forces outside himself..'
Alan Bullock (see right) wrote:
‘Until the last days of his life he retained an uncanny gift of personal magnetism which defies analysis, but which many who met him have described ... This was connected with the curious powers of his eyes, which are persistently said to have some sort of hypnotic quality.''
Professor Trevor-Roper (see left) concurs:
‘Hitler had the eyes of a hypnotist which seduced the wits and affections of all who yielded to their power."
Dr Joseph Goebbels wrote about his first meeting with Hitler:
"I was fascinated by Hitlers blue eyes...".
Traudl Junge (see left), his last secretary often told in interviews, that
"...people were amazed about Hitler's blue eyes....".
Martha Dodd writes in her book that,
"Hitler's eyes were startling and unforgettable - they seemed pale blue in color, were intense, unwavering, hypnotic."
For a man who, whilst not being ugly or deformed, was not handsome (and the funny little mustach did not help), Hitler had a remarkable hold over both men and women (he was often refered to as 'schone Adolf' - beautiful Adolf - see right), which in the final analysis, came down to an animal (possibly Lupine - and therefore his nickname Wolf - see left)) and almost sexual attraction.
While it may be difficult for many people to accept the fact today, Hitler came nearer to being revered as a God than any other individual in modern times.
Surprisingly, this adoration was not limited to the uneducated masses but was felt by artists, intellectuals and academics; many of his greatest admirers being in the military; the Junker aristocracy, and captains of industry and commerce.
As we have already seen, those who met Hitler often refer, in their reminiscences, to his remarkable pale, clear blue eyes, which many state, unequivocally, had a distinctly hypnotic quality.
Face to face, few could resist his charm, or his anger, and contrary to popular belief, it was only towards the end that Hitler resorted to bouts of aggressive anger, rather than to his winning smile and boyish enthusiasm.
Dietrich Eckart stated that Hitler had special powers and communion with occult entities; the 'unknown supermen'.
Certainly, Hitler had an abnormal ability to sway people, both as individuals and in the mass. Eye witnesses are united in reporting an almost physical transformation in the Fuhrer when he spoke at public meetings.
It was Putzi Hanfstangl (see left) who suggested that Hitler, when speaking to the masses,
'had that ability which is needed to make people stop thinking critically and simply emote'.
Equally, Professor Alan Bullock (see right) was of the opinion that when Hitler spoke it was not as if he was using words but rather -
'a case of the emotions coming direct, with a rawness and power'.
Many eye witnesses have equated Hitler's behaviour during his public appearances with those of a medium.
Usually they have presumed that Hitler was communicating with the collective unconscious of his listeners.
It is more likely that he was channelling power from a more mysterious source - the 'True Will'.
The sheer power of Hitler's presence is now difficult - almost impossible - to imagine, despite the fact that unlike Joseph Smith, or Rasputin (see left), who were also capable of swaying large groups, we have both film and sound recordings of Hitler's speeches.
There are, however, still many witnesses of Hitler's rallies, alive today, who are prepared to honestly report their feelings about Hitler, now that many years have passed.
Alfons Heck (see right), a German writer on the National Socialist era, has stated, frankly, that when he came face to face with Hitler, at a Hitler Youth rally, he felt he had -
'come face to face with God' - and only the most titanic manipulation of the nature of reality could produce such an impression - not only on one man, but on a crowd of thousands.
This is the power of the 'True Will'.
Eckart ( see 'death mask' left) had obviously done his job well.
The key to understanding the exceptional individual, and particularly the individual who has been made exceptional is, as has already been stated, to be found in the 'True Will'.
It is no accident that the film of the 1934 Nurnberg Party Rally (see right), directed by Leni Riefenstahl was called 'Triunph des Willens' - (The Triumph of the Will) (see left) (see right below).
To Hitler the 'True Will' was paramount, the secret and source of his remarkable power, as it was for Crowley, Gurdjieff and all others who wished to control the powers of the occult.
The focusing of the 'True Will' was of the essence; once that was lost dissolution was inevitable.
The 'TrueWill', which must be focused into a blazing stream of pure energy, is used to wield images and symbols as if they were material reality - to literally change the world.
It is the source of Life; for the Creator - the 'One' - is simply an infinite and all-powerful 'Will', and death comes to men only through a weakness of 'Will'.
So if Hitler was able to completely dominate all those around him, and even manipulate the nature of reality itself by the use of his 'True Will', then why did he ultimately fail in his appointed task ?

Once Hitler had consolidated his power he began, apparently, to develop bourgeois tastes and attitudes which he would have probably rejected in his youth.
As Goethe (1749–1832) (see left) wrote:
'The Daemonic element manifests itself in all corporeal and incorporeal things, and even expresses itself most distinctly in animals, yet it is primarily in its relation to man that we observe its mysterious workings, which represent a force, if not antagonistic to the moral order, yet running counter to it, so that the one may be regarded as the warp, and the other as the woof.
'The Daemonic element manifests itself in all corporeal and incorporeal things, and even expresses itself most distinctly in animals, yet it is primarily in its relation to man that we observe its mysterious workings, which represent a force, if not antagonistic to the moral order, yet running counter to it, so that the one may be regarded as the warp, and the other as the woof.
But the most fearful manifestation of the Daemonic is when it is seen predominating in some individual character.
During my life I have observed several instances, either closely or at a distance.
Such persons are not always the most eminent men, either in intellect or special gifts, and they are seldom distinguished by goodness of heart; a tremendous energy seems to emanate from them, and they exercise a wonderful power over all creatures, and even over the elements; and, indeed, who shall say how much further such influence may extend?
All the moral powers combined are no avail against them; in vain does the more enlightened portion of mankind attempt to throw suspicion upon them as dupes or as deceivers - the masses are attracted by them.
Seldom or ever do they find their equals among their contemporaries; nothing can vanquish them but the universe itself.'

All four men had been able to access the power of the 'True Will'.
Time and time again we come upon the phrase used to describe Hitler,
‘the unconscious tool of higher powers'.
We may add to the testimony of witnesses we have quoted earlier the words of the French Ambassador, Francois-Poncet;
‘He entered into a sort of mediumistic trance; the expression of his face was ecstatic,' and of another Frenchman, Bouchez:
‘I looked into his eyes - the eyes of a medium in a trance ... Sometimes there seemed to be a sort of ectoplasm; the speaker's body seemed to be inhabited by something ...'
And Rauschnig said of Hitler -
'One cannot help but think of him as a medium...beyond any doubt Hitler was possessed by forces outside himself..'

‘Until the last days of his life he retained an uncanny gift of personal magnetism which defies analysis, but which many who met him have described ... This was connected with the curious powers of his eyes, which are persistently said to have some sort of hypnotic quality.''
Professor Trevor-Roper (see left) concurs:
‘Hitler had the eyes of a hypnotist which seduced the wits and affections of all who yielded to their power."

"I was fascinated by Hitlers blue eyes...".
Traudl Junge (see left), his last secretary often told in interviews, that
"...people were amazed about Hitler's blue eyes....".
Martha Dodd writes in her book that,
"Hitler's eyes were startling and unforgettable - they seemed pale blue in color, were intense, unwavering, hypnotic."

While it may be difficult for many people to accept the fact today, Hitler came nearer to being revered as a God than any other individual in modern times.
Surprisingly, this adoration was not limited to the uneducated masses but was felt by artists, intellectuals and academics; many of his greatest admirers being in the military; the Junker aristocracy, and captains of industry and commerce.
As we have already seen, those who met Hitler often refer, in their reminiscences, to his remarkable pale, clear blue eyes, which many state, unequivocally, had a distinctly hypnotic quality.
Face to face, few could resist his charm, or his anger, and contrary to popular belief, it was only towards the end that Hitler resorted to bouts of aggressive anger, rather than to his winning smile and boyish enthusiasm.
Dietrich Eckart stated that Hitler had special powers and communion with occult entities; the 'unknown supermen'.
Certainly, Hitler had an abnormal ability to sway people, both as individuals and in the mass. Eye witnesses are united in reporting an almost physical transformation in the Fuhrer when he spoke at public meetings.
It was Putzi Hanfstangl (see left) who suggested that Hitler, when speaking to the masses,
'had that ability which is needed to make people stop thinking critically and simply emote'.
Equally, Professor Alan Bullock (see right) was of the opinion that when Hitler spoke it was not as if he was using words but rather -
'a case of the emotions coming direct, with a rawness and power'.
Many eye witnesses have equated Hitler's behaviour during his public appearances with those of a medium.
Usually they have presumed that Hitler was communicating with the collective unconscious of his listeners.

The sheer power of Hitler's presence is now difficult - almost impossible - to imagine, despite the fact that unlike Joseph Smith, or Rasputin (see left), who were also capable of swaying large groups, we have both film and sound recordings of Hitler's speeches.
There are, however, still many witnesses of Hitler's rallies, alive today, who are prepared to honestly report their feelings about Hitler, now that many years have passed.
Alfons Heck (see right), a German writer on the National Socialist era, has stated, frankly, that when he came face to face with Hitler, at a Hitler Youth rally, he felt he had -
'come face to face with God' - and only the most titanic manipulation of the nature of reality could produce such an impression - not only on one man, but on a crowd of thousands.

Eckart ( see 'death mask' left) had obviously done his job well.
The key to understanding the exceptional individual, and particularly the individual who has been made exceptional is, as has already been stated, to be found in the 'True Will'.

The focusing of the 'True Will' was of the essence; once that was lost dissolution was inevitable.

It is the source of Life; for the Creator - the 'One' - is simply an infinite and all-powerful 'Will', and death comes to men only through a weakness of 'Will'.
So if Hitler was able to completely dominate all those around him, and even manipulate the nature of reality itself by the use of his 'True Will', then why did he ultimately fail in his appointed task ?

He liked to relax in an informal atmosphere (see left), indulging in his passion for cream cakes, decaffeinated coffee and mountain walks (see right), in his mountain home on the Obersalzburg.
His para-normal powers waned, and eventually, his powers deserted him completely.
His para-normal powers waned, and eventually, his powers deserted him completely.
The bomb plot, arranged by some of his disillusioned generals was the final blow, weakening his physical and spiritual resolve on which his essential 'True Will' rested.
He had failed, and was cast aside to be reviled by History.
He had failed, and was cast aside to be reviled by History.
'Who ever' or 'what ever' cast him aside was seeking a new strategy .....
'For the Will lieth therin, and dieth not.'
'For the Will lieth therin, and dieth not.'
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"'Who ever' or 'what ever' cast him aside was seeking a new strategy ....."
ReplyDeleteIs there a link to a blog article covering the meaning of this statment?
New serious book on historical paranormal facts during Nazi Germany
Not at present...
ReplyDeleteI doubt it was bourgeois cream cakes that did Hitler in.
ReplyDeleteYou would be surprised how dangerous 'cream cakes' cam be........
Deletefatuous comments deserve fatuus answers....