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© Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
"Wir werden abzuwaschen Christian Furnier und bringen eine besondere Religion, unsere Rasse"
'We shall wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race'
Adolf Hitler
"Wir werden abzuwaschen Christian Furnier und bringen eine besondere Religion, unsere Rasse"
'We shall wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race'
Adolf Hitler
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© Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
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© Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
While much emphasis has given to the involvement of Adolf Hitler with the occult, many have looked rather to Heinrich Himmler as the master occultist among the leaders of the Third Reich.
Himmler's pre-eminence in occult matters, although it has often been claimed, is not actually correct.
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© Copyright Zac Sawyer 2017 Pasewalk Vision |
The truth of the matter is that Hitler had a direct and personal experience of occult forces and entities and, in addition, a direct and personal relationship with such occult forces and entities, while Himmler only aspired to to such experiences and relationships.
Like most individuals who become involved in the occult, Hitler, it seems did not make a conscious choice in that direction.
Hitlers first apparently involuntary occult experiences began probably after the death (2 February 1900) of his younger brother Edmund - an event that had a profound effect on the young Adolf - see 'Occult Biography of Adolf Hitler'.
After Edmund's death young Adolf would be seen, late into the night, sitting on the high cemetery wall "gazing up at the stars", or talking to the "windblown trees."
One of Adolf's playmates remembered that Adolf would also climb the hill behind his house at night and talk to a "nonexistent audience."
Then, in October 1918 Hitler was blinded in a gas attack at Ypres, and subsequently sent to a military hospital at Pasewalk, a small town north-east of Berlin.
According to Hitler, during his recovery he experienced a 'vision' from 'another world' while at the hospital.
In that vision, Hitler was told that he would lead Germany back to glory - however, further realizations may have come to Hitler under the influence of Dietrich Echart between 1919 and 19 20.
Hitlers first apparently involuntary occult experiences began probably after the death (2 February 1900) of his younger brother Edmund - an event that had a profound effect on the young Adolf - see 'Occult Biography of Adolf Hitler'.
After Edmund's death young Adolf would be seen, late into the night, sitting on the high cemetery wall "gazing up at the stars", or talking to the "windblown trees."
One of Adolf's playmates remembered that Adolf would also climb the hill behind his house at night and talk to a "nonexistent audience."
One dream, one soul,
one prize, one goal,
One golden glance
Of what should be..
It is here that we see Hitler's first contact with that 'other world' that would play such a large, but secret, part in his later life.Then, in October 1918 Hitler was blinded in a gas attack at Ypres, and subsequently sent to a military hospital at Pasewalk, a small town north-east of Berlin.
According to Hitler, during his recovery he experienced a 'vision' from 'another world' while at the hospital.
In that vision, Hitler was told that he would lead Germany back to glory - however, further realizations may have come to Hitler under the influence of Dietrich Echart between 1919 and 19 20.
The result of this experience was that Hitler realized that was to ..
Unlike Himmler, Hitler also received direct occult guidance from Lanz von Liebenfels
These three men, (along with certain other Thulists and members of the Vril - who were not party members, or members of the government of the Third Reich), and also Hitler himself, were the true occultists behind the National Socialist Party - while many 'hangers-on' (in occult terms), such as Himmler, Hess and suchike, liked to dabble, but never really understood the true nature of Hitler's vision, as derived from his initial experiences, and the subsequent guidance that he received.
'to perform an act of creation, a divine operation, the goal of a biological mutation which will result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the appearance of a new race of heroes, demi-gods and god-men'.
'This is a kind of magic... '
Hitler also received personal guidance from one of his few, close personal friends, Hanns Heinz Ewers, (one of the most enigmatic occult figures of this period) and also, (more openly) from the master occultist, Dietrich Eckart.
Die Abtei von Lambach - Österreich (Hitler, as a young man regularly read Liebenfels' publication 'Ostara', but as regards direct contact that is a matter shrouded in mystery - although there is considerable evidence that the young Hitler visited Liebenfels in Vienna, before the Great War - and may even have met Liebenfels earlier, in Lambach, when Hitler was a boy in the Monastery choir.)
Lanz von Liebenfels
These three men, (along with certain other Thulists and members of the Vril - who were not party members, or members of the government of the Third Reich), and also Hitler himself, were the true occultists behind the National Socialist Party - while many 'hangers-on' (in occult terms), such as Himmler, Hess and suchike, liked to dabble, but never really understood the true nature of Hitler's vision, as derived from his initial experiences, and the subsequent guidance that he received.
Dietrich Eckart Significantly, Hitler tried to destroy all the evidence of links between himself and Liebenfels, and was also careful to keep his connection with Hanns Heinz Ewers cloaked from public view.
Hanns Heinz Ewers
Only Eckart was given any public acknowledgement, his name being given to an open air Theater in Berlin, and to a SS-Totenkopfverbände unit. Significantly, however, 'Mein Kampf' was dedicated to Eckart.
In contrast to this, Himmler's lack of direct occult experience is undoubtedly revealed in his attempts to research and study the occult - to pursue the subject from an academic, and often 'theatrical' standpoint (hence the Wewelsberg), rather than by direct experience, and this is exemplified by his creation of, and support for, the Ahnenerbe.
It is, therefore, only right that this section of the 'Occult History of the Third Reich' should open with a quotation from Adolf Hitler, rather than Himmler.
As a result, Himmler merely became a tool in Hitler's quest 'to perform an act of creation' resulting 'in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the appearance of a new race of heroes, demi-gods and god-men'.
And so Hitler gave Himmler the task of creating a 'Herrenmensch' which would be the raw material for the creation of the Übermensch - the 'new race of heroes, demi-gods and god-men'.
The means by which Himmler would achieve the task of creating a 'Herrenmensch' were the Ahnenerbe, the Lebensborn, the Napolas, and the Ordensburgen.
Heinrich had two brothers, an older brother Gebhard was born in 1898, about 2 years before Heinrich.
He and his brothers grew up in a staunchly middle-class, comfortable Catholic German family.

Heinrich Himmler was an early member of the 'Artaman League', and held the position of Gauführer in Bavaria.
It was while a member of the Artamanen-Gesellschaft that Himmler became influenced by the doctrines of 'Lebensreform' (see below).
Himmelr - In the Beginning
Heinrich's grandfather was a policeman - which may, or may not be significant....
His father was reported to be a personable and a methodical social climber.
He profoundly influenced his sons' character.
He managed to secure for himself a position as a tutor to Bavarian royal family, establishing ties with Prince Arnulf's family.
He became the headmaster at a Gymnasium (academically selective secondary school). While servile to his social superiors, he had little empathy with those that were less well off.
Reports have suggested that he could be extremely cruel to the boys in psychological ways.
One boy remembers how he and his brother were expelled by being publicly humiliated before the class when their father could not pay the school fees.
Heinrich Himmler's father had an interest in romanticized German history, which he passed on to his son.
Himmler's father was very demanding.
As a result of serving as a tutor to Prince Heinrich of the Bavarian royal family the Prince retained an affection for his tutor, and he agreed to be Heinrich's godfather - which was an advantage in imperial Germany.
Heinrich's father saw to it that his son perfected the skills of a 'courtier', and encouraged him to to seek out and cultivate aristocrats.
What Heinrich did not get from his father was any feeling of empathy or concern toward people who could not benefit him.
Living in Landshut 40 miles northeast of Munich, Himmler's father became deputy principal of a Gymnasium, (academically selective secondary school).
Himmler's mother, Anna Heyder, was the daughter of tradesmen.
She was much more permissive, and spoiled her son.
The household maid became a family nurse for the young children, helping to further indulge Heinrich.
Himmler's Mother was devoutly Catholic.
She was also formal and distant, and very strict regarding financial matters.
In addition to her Catholicism, she was insistent on proper manners.
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Gebhard, Heinrich and Ernst Himmler |
A younger brother Ernst was born in 1905.
Heinrich was born in Munich (October 7, 1900).
He was not a healthy boy.
He suffered from a severe respiratory infection at age two.
He suffered another illness, at six, when he began school, and he was sick again in 1906.
These illness left him with a life time concern over his health, and worry about the slightest indisposition, in short was hypochondriac.
As a young man he was commonly seen by many as harmless and fussy.
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The Himmler Family |
Young Himmler was nearsighted and had to wear spectacles
He was not popular with other boys that he mixed with, in part because he was not physically coordinated.
Many of his associates, however, did respect his diligence, the grades he obtained in school.
Himmler's mother insisted that her boys take piano lessons.
Gebhard showed some talent.
Heinrich did not do so well, and not even his diligence was not helpful.
Their father, while their mother sewed, would often read to the boys.
He normally read books on German history, steeping Heinrich in the glories of medieval German knights and Wagnerian legends.
Heinrich by age 10 knew more about German military history than his teachers.
There was a statue of Jesus on the wall before which the boys would say their prayers before bed each night.
Their father did not mistreat the boys physically, and there were no beatings.
He was, however, a pedantic father who supervised not only their education, but virtually every aspect of their daily life.
He even edited Heinrich's dairy.
(Himmler's diary, which he kept intermittently from the age of ten, shows that he took a keen interest in current events, dueling, and 'the serious discussions of religion and sex')
In many ways their life consisted of living with a demanding and controlling school teacher.
As a teenager Heinrich Himmler was a fine student, diarist, churchgoer, and plodding pianist.
His father continued to oversee is leisure time.
Heinrich hiked and swam with the family, and biked with his older brother, Gebhard.
As with sports, he was not very skilled and there were frequent falls.
He followed his father in collecting stamps, coins, and medieval artifacts.
In his dairy he was critical of his clumsiness, lapses in following the routine his father established, and what he saw as his constant talking.
He was also critical of others.
There is little charity or grace in his dairy.
He viewed with a certain amount of contempt by many of his compatriots, who were less disciplined.
As a young man he was reserved with strangers, deferential to elders, and as his mother taught him, invariably polite.
Heinrich like his older brother began his education at the Munich Cathedral School.
His father compiled a a list of Heinrich's classmates and assessed the value of family connections.
Then he instructed Heinrich who to befriend and who to ignore or avoid.
This was probably the first list of people Heinrich was confronted with.
At school he was a top student , but was clumsy and nearsighted and unable to do well at sports.
He was sometimes mocked by his classmates, although he did persist doggedly at sports.
Heinrich then attended the Royal Wilhelm Gymnasium, a selective secondary school.
He was not a brilliant student, but he did very well because he was extremely diligent and rigidly supervised by his father.
He was considered to be a 'star' student as the Germans would say, and was well liked by he teachers.
Some, however, would call him a 'swot', and he spent hours playing chess.
This image of being a 'Star Pupil' was reflected in a school report of 1913 which reads:
“A very able student who by tireless hard work, burning ambition and very lively participation achieved the best results in the class.
His behavior is exemplary.”
He had great trouble with gymnastics, and dreaded the gymnastics teacher who was merciless with him.
His father used his connections with the royal family to get Himmler accepted as an officer candidate, and he enlisted with the reserve battalion of the 11th Bavarian Regiment in December 1917.
His brother, Gebhard, served on the western front and saw combat, receiving the Iron Cross, and eventually being promoted to lieutenant.
In November 1918, while Himmler was still in training, the war ended with Germany's defeat, denying him the opportunity to become an officer or see combat.
After his discharge on 18 December, he returned to Landshut.
After the war, Himmler completed his grammar-school education.
From 1919–22, he studied agronomy at the Munich Technische Hochschule (now Technical University Munich) following a brief apprenticeship on a farm, and a subsequent illness
Although many regulations that discriminated against non-Christians - including Jews and other minority groups - had been eliminated during the unification of Germany in 1871, antisemitism continued to exist and thrive in Germany and other parts of Europe.
Himmler was antisemitic by the time he went to university, but not exceptionally so; although students at his school would avoid their Jewish classmates.
He remained a devoted Catholic while a student, and spent most of his leisure time with members of his fencing fraternity, the 'League of Apollo', the president of which was (oddly) Jewish.
Himmler maintained a polite demeanor with him, and with other Jewish members of the fraternity, in spite of his apparent antisemitism.
During his second year at university, Himmler redoubled his attempts to pursue a military career.
Although he was not successful, he was able to extend his involvement in the paramilitary scene in Munich.
It was at this time that he first met Ernst Röhm, an early member of the Nazi Party and co-founder of the Sturmabteilung ("Storm Battalion"; SA).
Himmler admired Röhm because he was a decorated combat soldier, and at his suggestion Himmler joined the antisemitic nationalist group, the Bund Reichskriegsflagge (Imperial War Flag Society).
After the murder of Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau, Himmler's political views veered towards the radical right, and he took part in demonstrations against the Treaty of Versailles.
Hyperinflation was raging, and his parents could no longer afford to educate all three sons.
Disappointed by his failure to make a career in the military, and his parents' inability to finance his doctoral studies, he was forced to take a low-paying office job after obtaining his agricultural diploma.
He remained in this position until September 1923

Whilst a member of the League Himmler met Richard Walther Darré, and the two struck up a close friendship, based largely on Darré's highly developed ideological notions of blood and soil to which Himmler was attracted.
The Artaman vision would continue to have a profound effect on Himmler who, throughout his time as Reichsführer-SS, retained his early dreams of a 'racially pure peasantry'.
Himmler was also close to his fellow member Rudolf Höss, and would later advance him in the Schutzstaffel, due in part to their history in the Artamanen-Gesellschaft.
This small, but highly influential league was later dismantled, and incorporated into the 'Hitler Jugend' in October 1934 as the Nazi youth movement gained strength.Artamanen-Gesellschaft was founded in I923 by Dr. Willibald Hentschell, whose ambition was to renew the German race by resettling urban young people in the countryside. Willibald Hentschel (born 7 November 1858 in Łódź - died 2 February 1947 in Berg, Upper Bavari.a) was a German agrarian and volkisch writer and political activist. He sought to renew the Aryan race through a variety of schemes, including selective breeding and polygamy, all within a firmly rural setting. A student of biology at the University of Jena, Henstchel studied for his doctorate under celebrated Darwinist Ernst Haecke. His 1901 book 'Varuna', in which he explored the origins of the Aryan race, helped to make him a popular figure on the far right. In this book he argued that history was driven by the process of racial purification, and the energy and spirit that drove this desire. Hentschel was close to Theodor Fritsch, and with him founded the anti-Semitic journal 'Hammer' in 1903.Fritsch announced that 'Varuna', which complained that Germans were becoming "Semitized" through such initiatives as democratization and rural depopulation, was the ideological basis of the new journal. In 1904 he published the book 'Mittgart', in which he outlined a scheme to send 1000 ethnically pure women and 100 men, picked for their military and athletic prowess to large country estates to procreate. Their children would then leave the estates at the age of 16 with the aim of travelling Germany and renewing racial stock. He further argued that in time the countryside would be the only place were pure Germans would be found, with the cities housing the biologically unfit who would die away quickly.
Hentschel, for his part, belonged to the tendency within German nationalism that was strongly opposed to Christianity. After World War I he called for a migration of ethnic Germans into the east of the country in order to displace the Poles living there. Hentschel called for these Germans to be 'Artamanen', a term he created from 'art' and 'manen', Middle High German words meaning 'agriculture man' and indicating his desire for a retreat from urban life to an idyllic rural past. His vision inspired the creation of the Artamanen-Gesellschaft youth movement, in which the likes of Heinrich Himmler and Richard Walther Darré were active. Hentschel joined the NSDAP (as member number 144,649) on 1 August 1929. In 1931 he was the official liaison between the Artamans and the National Socialists, who eventually absorbed the society in the Hitler Youth Land Service. Artarnan ideals were to have a profound influence on Himmler's later policies.
It was while a member of the Artamanen-Gesellschaft that Himmler became influenced by the doctrines of 'Lebensreform' (see below).
more images for the above section to be posted soon.....
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© Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
Himmler and Thule Gesselschaft
Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler first became involved with the outer circle of the Thule Gesselschaft and the Reichskriegsflagge in 1923, by which time he was already declaring an interest in occultism.
The Reichskriegsflagge was part of the Kampfbund, which was a league of patriotic fighting societies in Bavaria, Germany, in the 1920s. It also included Hitler's NSDAP party and their Sturmabteilung or SA for short, the Oberland League. Its military leader was Hermann Kriebel, and its political leader was Adolf Hitler. It was Captain Ernst Röhm who proposed that Hitler be the political leader of the Kampfbund.The Kampfbund conducted the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 in Munich, Germany. (Kampfbund is German for "Battle League"). The league was created on 30 September 1923 at Nuremberg, where Hitler joined other patriotic nationalist leaders to celebrate German Day, which marked the anniversary of the Prussian victory over France in 1870.
Himmler and Lebensreform
Himmler's original interest in the occult sprung from a period in his early life when he was involved in the 'Lebensreform' movement.
In this context he began to develop the idea of the occult linkage between the future of the Aryan race and the soil: the tendency which became known as "Blut und Boden".
Himmler's original interest in the occult sprung from a period in his early life when he was involved in the 'Lebensreform' movement.
'Lebensreform' ("life reform") was derived from the the concept of 'Regeneration', which had a considerable impact on the social, cultural and political development of the German speaking world in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Originating from the propaganda of the Wagnerian group, centered in Bayreuth, It was a social (although not always an overtly political), and cultural movement. 'Lebensreform' propagated a 'back-to-nature' lifestyle, emphasizing, among others, health food/raw food/organic food, nudism, sexual liberation, alternative medicine, and religious reform, and at the same time often included abstention from drugs, smoking and vaccines. These völkisch Lebensreform groups were espoused by German youth, and associated with such groups was the 'Wandervogel' movement, which was a precursor to the Hitlerjugend.
Wandervogel Junge
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Artamanen-Gesellschaft © Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
Völkisch 'Lebensreform' ideology was popular among those who subsequently became high ranking officials in the Third Reich, including Heinrich Himmler and Richard Walther Darré, who both belonged to the 'farming organization' known as the Artamanen-Gesellschaft (note the runes used in the Artaman emblem).
The 'Artamanen-Gesellschaft' - (Artaman League) - was a German agrarian and völkisch movement dedicated to a 'Blut und Boden' ('Blood and Soil') inspired ruralism.
Active during the inter-war period, the League became closely linked to, and eventually absorbed by, the NSDAP (see above).
Subsequently the concept of 'Blut und Boden' became a key concept in the völkisch philosophy of the Third Reich
Subsequently the concept of 'Blut und Boden' became a key concept in the völkisch philosophy of the Third Reich
The 'Artamanen-Gesellschaft' had its roots in the overall Lebensreform movement in late 19th-century and early 20th-century Germany and Austria.
It is from the Lebensreform movement and the 'Artamanen-Gesellschaft' that Himmler derived his initial interest in occult matters.
Walther Darré and 'Blut und Boden' Occultism
Richard Walther Darré was one of the leading 'Blut und Boden' ideologists, and served as Reichsminister of Food and Agriculture from 1933 to 1942.
Walther Darré and 'Blut und Boden' Occultism
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Walther Darré |
He was an SS-Obergruppenführer, and the seventh most senior officer of the SS.
When the Second World War ended, Darré was the senior most SS-Obergruppenführer, with date of rank from 9 November 1934, outranked only by Heinrich Himmler and the four SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer.
As a young man Darré initially joined the 'Artamanen-Gesellschaft', a Völkisch youth-group committed to the back-to-the-land movement.
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Werner Peiner - Deutsche Erde - Oil Painting owned by Adolf Hitler |
Here "Blut" (blood) represents the occult concept of race and ancestry, while "Boden" expresses the concepts of soil, territory, or land.
The essence of the theory involved the mutual and long-term relationship between a people and the land that it occupies and cultivates.
Those who heard and heeded Darré's arguments included Heinrich Himmler, himself a member of the Artamanen-Gesellschaft.
In his religious views, Dárre belonged, like Himmler, to the 'Pagan' faction within the NSDAP, however, he was extremely secretive regarding his involvement in occultism, although they were undoubtedly considerable, considering his very close association with Himmler.
Himmler's Later Occult Interests
In his religious views, Dárre belonged, like Himmler, to the 'Pagan' faction within the NSDAP, however, he was extremely secretive regarding his involvement in occultism, although they were undoubtedly considerable, considering his very close association with Himmler.
Himmler's Later Occult Interests
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Thule Gesselschaft © Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
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Order of Teutonic Knights © Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the principle of causality, where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering. Karma is closely associated with the idea of rebirth in some schools of Asian religions. In these schools, karma in the present affects one's future in the current life, as well as the nature and quality of future lives.
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Teutonic Knights |
When he was given command of the SS, he molded his so-called 'Black Guards' after a combination of all these.
He required his officers to read the mystical research of SS Colonel and Ahnenerbe member Otto Rahn: 'Crusade Against the Grail' (1933) and 'Lucifer's Court in Europe' (1936).
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Otto Wilhelm Rahn and Family |
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Otto Wilhelm Rahn |
Speculation still swirls around Otto Rahn and his research.
From an early age, he became interested in the legends of Parsifal, Holy Grail, Lohengrin, and the Nibelungenlied. While attending the University of Giessen he was inspired by his professor, the Baron von Gall, to study the Albigensian (Catharism) movement, and the massacre that occurred at Montségur. Rahn is quoted as saying that "It was a subject that completely captivated me''.
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Richard Wagner - Parsifal |
In 1931 he traveled to the Pyrenees region of southern France where he conducted most of his research. Aided by the French mystic and historian Antonin Gadal, Rahn argued that there was a direct link between Wolfram Von Eschenbach's Parzival and the Cathar Grail mystery.
He believed that the Cathars held the answer to this sacred mystery and that the keys to their secrets lay somewhere beneath the mountain pog where the fortress of Montségur remains, the last Cathar fortress to fall during the Albigensian Crusade.
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Holy Grail © Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
Rahn believed it was possible to trace the Cathars, who guarded the Holy Grail in their castle at Montsegur, back to Druids who converted to Gnostic Manichaeism. The Druids in Britain were forerunners of the Celtic Christian Church. He saw that the culture of the medieval Cathar stronghold of Languedoc bore strong a resemblance to the ancient Druids. Their priests were akin to the Cathar Parfaits. The Cathar secret wisdom being preserved by the later Troubadours, the travelling poets and singers of the medieval courts of France.
Rahn wrote two books linking Montségur and Cathars with the Holy Grail: Kreuzzug gegen den Gral (Crusade Against the Grail) in 1933 and Luzifers Hofgesind (Lucifer's Court) in 1937. After the publication of his first book, Rahn's work came to the attention of Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, who was fascinated by the occult and had already initiated research in the south of France.
Rahn joined his staff as a junior non-commissioned officer and became a full member of the SS in 1936. Journeys for his second book led Rahn to places in Germany, France, Italy, and Iceland.
On March 13, 1939 nearly on the anniversary of the fall of Montségur, Rahn was found frozen to death on a mountainside near Söll (Kufstein, Tyrol) in Austria. His death was officially ruled a suicide.
Himmler's nickname, the "Black Jesuit", stems from his slavish imitation of the (equally secretive) brotherhood of Catholic Jesuit priests, whose literature he avidly studied.
He made use of the time-honored Jesuit practice of "spiritual Exercises" - intensive visualization to create personal and group reality.
Okkulte Wissenschaft
The Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society), originally the 'Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum' ("Study Group for Germanic Antiquity"), was a German occultist and völkisch group founded by Felix Niedner, the German translator of the 'Elder Norse Eddas', in 1910. In 1918, Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorf established its Munich branch. The group was named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party).
Okkulte Wissenschaft
Himmler, like many in the Thule Gesellschaft, wished in some sense to deny the existence of objective reality.
Not surprisingly, therefore, Himmler went on to advocate "freeing" science in order to pursue research, unhampered by generally accepted notions of provable truth - especially science dealing with ancient origins.
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Hans Hoerbiger |
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Welteislehre |
This attitude was shared by the many in leadership of the Third Reich, and led their apparent rejection of contemporary astronomy and physics in favor of occult-based theories such as the Welteislehrer (the Doctrine of Eternal Cosmic Ice) created by Hans Hoerbiger (see left).
However, it was the true occultist, Dietrich Eckart, who introduced his protege, Hitler, to Hoerbiger's work, and it was Eckart who recognized its similarity to Thule mythology with regard to new ages birthed from ice.
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Albert Einstein |
Hoerbiger himself declared war on what he termed "objective science" as "a pernicious invention", advocating substituting the "uselessness" of mathematics with a mystical, occult "knowing" of the universe, and targeted Albert Einstein as an arch-enemy (emphasizing the latter's Jewish origin no less than his pernicious scientific work).
Hoerbiger's cause was taken up by the Hitler Youth, and later by the SS Ahnenerbe.
True to Hitler's vow,
"We shall wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race"SS soldiers underwent occult initiations and ceremonies, to replace their Christian faith, and named their children with ancient Germanic names, and performed rites to harness latent spiritual forces believed to reside in the Aryan psyche.
This was not an abrupt change, since these SS candidates had grown up in 1920s Germany, where the occult, psychic phenomena and paganism (see 'Lebensreform' above) were part of the 'zeitgeist'.
Presumably their parents, school teachers, civic leaders and other role models had already contributed to the next generation's conditioning by their own immersion in ancient Germanic mysticism and spiritism.
Secrecy, a total dedication that erased all other loyalties, unquestioning obedience, isolation from 'common society', a sense of self-sacrifice, a place in an exalted and ancient line of "guardians", and a strict observance of hierarchal status were the methods used for fostering unity - and all of these methods were borrowed from occult societies.
As for Himmler himself:
"I try to reach a compromise in my own life; I try to help people and do good, relieve the oppressed and remove injustices wherever I can. Do you think my heart is in all the things which have to be done simply from reasons of state ?"
The extreme sacrifices of the SS, he said, were required in part by German racial Karma; an individual "oughtn't to think of himself".
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The Double 'Sigel' Victory Rune © Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
An inner circle of SS officers took on the roles of Teutonic knights, complete with coat-of-arms, and met regularly at Himmler's Wevelsburg fortress (see below) for deep meditation, week-long visualization sessions, and possible contacts with disembodied spirit masters.
The very insignia of the SS was loaded with occult meaning; the twin lightning bolts were an ancient Nordic power Rune - see right).
The runic alphabets are a set of related alphabets using letters known as runes to write various Germanic languages before the adoption of the Latin alphabet and for specialized purposes thereafter. Runes are equivalent to the Roman, Greek, Cyrillic, or Hebrew alphabets. But they are much more than an alphabet. “Rune” means “secret”, “mystery”, or “hidden”, and is related to the German raunen, meaning “to whisper”, and the Irish run, meaning “a secret.” The Swastika, a runic symbol of the Sun, became the official emblem of the National Socialist Party and the Third Reich. Up until 1940, every SS commissioned officer was to take a special course in the runic magic. The emblem “SS” is a double rune 'Sigel' which is well known as a victory symbol. The mystics say that it was the runic magic that paved the way for Völkisch Nationalism.
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The Ahnenerbe branch of the SS invested huge sums in trips to Tibet to search for an ancient Aryan clan, and exhaustive efforts were made to harness supernatural powers for the Nazi war effort: everything from pendulum divination and ESP (extra sensory perception) to yoga and Zen Buddhism was investigated.
Hitler's strict vegetarianism was a matter of principle because of reincarnation of human souls into animal bodies. (This was not only Hindu and Buddhist belief but also Cathar).
Yet another ancient belief adopted by Himmler for the SS was the doctrine of the dualist cycle of the universe - a cosmos full of energies at polar opposites, carrying on a continual battle, colliding to bring temporary balance, and transmuting to a higher state of being, and then evolving into a new polarization, renewed battle, and on, endlessly.
Fire and Ice, Light and Darkness, Matter and Spirit, Good and Evil, the human races all followed this spiral path.
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Nietzsche |
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Richard Wagner |
Each "new world order" could not proceed without the destruction of the "old order"; therefore destruction was seens as healthy as the following restructure.
This cosmology was shared by many cultures: the Zoroastrians of Persia (who greatly impressed Nietzsche - see left), the Hindu writers of the Veda, the Greek Gnostics (particularly Pythagoras, who carried the concept from Egypt), the Manachaeans (Gnostic Christians), the Cathars, Nordic legends, and Germanic lore transmitted mostly through Wagner (see right).
This dualist philosophy is also a pillar of Theosophical teaching.
T H E S S and E D U C A T I O N
German Youth and The Napolas
'Mehr sein als scheinen'
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Hitler-Jugend Trommeln und Trompeten |
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Hitler-Jugend Emblem © Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
In order to achieve this Himmler endeavored to 'infiltrate' and eventually 'take over' both the German educational system, and the German youth organisation - the Hitler-Jugend (Hitler Youth).
The Hitler-Jugend was essentially a paramilitary organization of the NSDAP.
It existed from 1922 to 1945.
The HJ was the second oldest paramilitary National Socialist group, founded one year after its adult counterpart, the Sturmabteilung (SA).
It was made up of the Hitlerjugend proper, for male youth ages 14–18; the younger boys' section Deutsches Jungvolk for ages 10–14; and the girls' section Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM, the League of German Girls).
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Napola Schwimm-Team |
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Hitlerjugend Schwimm-Team |
The HJ was also seen as an important stepping stone to future membership of the elite Schutzstaffel (the SS).
Members of the HJ were particularly proud to be bestowed with the single Sig Rune (victory symbol) by the SS.
The SS utilized two Sig Runes as their mark, and this gesture served to symbolically link the two groups.
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Hitlerjugend Fahnenträger |

The League was founded in 1926 as a division of the NSDAP with the mission of integrating University-level education and academic life within the framework of the National Socialist worldview.
Organized (as with other departments of the NSDAP) strictly in accord with the Führerprinzip (or "leader principle") as well as the principle of Machtdistanz (or "power distance"), the NSDStB housed its members in so-called Kameradschaftshäusern (or "Fellowship Houses"), and (from 1930) had its members decked out in classic brown shirts, and its own distinctive Swastika emblems.
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Napola Candidates |
The Napolas were secondary boarding schools in the Third Reich.
They were founded as "community education sites" after the National Socialist seizure of power in 1933.
The goal of the schools was to raise a new generation for the political, military, and administrative leadership for the Third Reich.
Life at the Napolas was dominated by a strict military discipline.
Only boys considered to be "racially flawless" were admitted to the boarding schools.
This meant that no boys with poor hearing or vision were accepted.
"Above-average intelligence" was also required, so that those looking to be admitted had to complete 8-day academic and physical entrance exams.
The official descriptor (rank) of a Napola cadet was “Jungmann” (plural "Jungmannen"), used similarly to the term “Cadet” in military schools in other countries.
Napola cadets were between 11 and 18 years of age.
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NAPOLA Dolch © Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
Life at the Napolas was dominated by a strict military discipline.
Only boys considered to be "racially flawless" were admitted to the boarding schools.
This meant that no boys with poor hearing or vision were accepted.
"Above-average intelligence" was also required, so that those looking to be admitted had to complete 8-day academic and physical entrance exams.
The official descriptor (rank) of a Napola cadet was “Jungmann” (plural "Jungmannen"), used similarly to the term “Cadet” in military schools in other countries.
Napola cadets were between 11 and 18 years of age.
Life in the Napolas was very competitive.

The percentage of Jungmannen who eventually entered the SS was 13%, much higher than the 1.8% in the general German population.
The National Socialist world view (including the occult teachings of the SS - derived from Liebenfels and other völkische sources - was considered paramount in Napola education.
The first three Napolas were founded in 1933 by the Minister of Education Bernhard Rust in Plön, Potsdam, and Köslin.
The schools initially responded directly to the 'Reich Ministry for Education', rather than to any state, like regular schools.

From 1936, the Napolas were subordinated to the 'Inspector of the National Political Institutes of Education' and SS Obergruppenführer August Heissmeyer.
From 1939, they were part of the 'Hauptamt Dienststelle SS-Obergruppenführer Heißmeyer'.
Therewith the schools were under the direct control of the SS, and Heißmeier pressured teachers to join the SS.
He also introduced uniforms and ranks similar to the SS among students and teachers.
By 1941 there were 30 Napolas with 6,000 students enrolled in all of Nazi Germany.
In 1942 there were 33 schools.
By the end of the war there were 43 schools.
The first three Napolas were founded in 1933 by the Minister of Education Bernhard Rust in Plön, Potsdam, and Köslin.
The schools initially responded directly to the 'Reich Ministry for Education', rather than to any state, like regular schools.

From 1939, they were part of the 'Hauptamt Dienststelle SS-Obergruppenführer Heißmeyer'.
Therewith the schools were under the direct control of the SS, and Heißmeier pressured teachers to join the SS.
He also introduced uniforms and ranks similar to the SS among students and teachers.
By 1941 there were 30 Napolas with 6,000 students enrolled in all of Nazi Germany.
In 1942 there were 33 schools.
By the end of the war there were 43 schools.
Nationalpolitische Lehranstalt
City | Official Title | Region | Founded | Former use |
Plön | NPEA Plön | Schleswig-Holstein | 1 May 1933 | Stabila (Staatliche Bildungsanstalt, "National Education Facility") |
Potsdam | NPEA Potsdam | Brandenburg | 26 May 1933 | Stabila |
Köslin | NPEA Köslin | Pomerania (today Poland) | 15 July 1933 | Stabila |
Berlin-Spandau | NPEA Berlin-Spandau | Berlin | 30 January 1934 | Prussian Academy for Gymnastics; school for teachers |
Naumburg | NPEA Naumburg |
Prussian Province of Saxony
| 15 March 1934 | Stabila/Military school |
Ilfeld | NPEA Ilfeld | Prussian province of Hanover/Prussian Province of Saxony | 20 April 1934 | Cloisters/Seminary |
Wahlstatt | NPEA Wahlstatt | Silesia (today Poland) | 9 April 1934 | Stabila |
Oranienstein | NPEA Oranienstein | Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau | 1934 | Military school/Realgymnasium/Castle |
Stuhm | NPEA Stuhm | East Prussia (today Poland) | 1 October 1934 | Barracks |
Ballenstedt | NPEA Anhalt | Anhalt | May 1934 | City Gymnasium (secondary school) |
Dresden-Klotzsche | NPEA Dresden Klotzsche | Saxony | 1 April 1934 | Landesschule |
Backnang | NPEA Backnang | Württemberg | 2 May 1934 | Teacher Seminary |
Bensberg | NPEA Bensberg | Prussian Rhine Province | 1 June 1935 | Military school/Castle |
Schulpforta | NPEA Schulpforta | Prussian Province of Saxony | 1 July 1935 | Landesschule zu Pforta (state school Pforta, currently Landesschule Pforta in Saxony-Anhalt) |
Rottweil | NPEA Rottweil | Württemberg | 1 April 1936 | Catholic Seminary |
Neuzelle | NPEA Neuzelle | Brandenburg | 1934/1938 | Abbey (Stift), Boarding school for girls |
Wien-Theresianum | NPEA Wien-Theresianum | Vienna (Austria) | 13 March 1939 | Academy |
Wien-Breitensee | NPEA Wien-Breitensee | Vienna (Austria) | 13 March 1939 | Austrian Federal School (Bundeserziehungsanstalt) (Kommandogebäude Theodor Körner part of the Breitensee Barracks in Vienna) |
Traiskirchen | NPEA Traiskirchen | Lower Danube (Austria) | 13 March 1939 | Austrian Federal School (Bundeserziehungsanstalt) |
Ploschkowitz (Ploskovice) | NPEA Sudetenland | Sudetenland (today Czech Republic) | 10 October 1940 | Ploskovice Castle |
Reisen (Rydzyna) | NPEA Wartheland | Warthegau (today Poland) | 1940 | Polish boarding school for boys in Rydzyna Castle |
Loben | NPEA Loben | (East-) Upper Silesia (today Poland) | 1 April 1941 | School for children with speech impediments |
Putbus | NPEA Rügen | Pomerania | 1 September 1941 | Pädagogium (Stift) |
Reichenau | NPEA Reichenau | Baden | 1941 | Hospice |
St Wendel | NPEA St Wendel | Saarland | 1 September 1941 | International School of the Steyler Mission |
Weierhof bei Marnheim | NPEA am Donnersberg | Bavaria (Saar Palatinate) | 1941 | Gau-Oberschule (Reich regional secondary school?) |
Sankt Paul im Lavanttal | NPEA Spanheim in Kärnten | Carinthia (Austria) | 1941 | Benedictine Abbey |
Vorau | NPEA Gottweig | Styria (Austria) | January 1943 | Augustine Abbey |
Seckau | NPEA Seckau | Styria (Austria) | 1941 | Benedictine Abbey (Stift) |
Rufach | NPEA Rufach | Alsace (today France) | October 1940 | Hospice |
Haselünne | NPEA Emsland | Prussian province of Hanover | 17 October 1941 | Cloister/Seminary for the Ursuline Order |
Neubeuern | NPEA Neubeuern | Bavaria | May 1942 | Castle and state boarding school |
St Veit | NPEA St Veit | Carinthia (Austria) | July 1942 | Catholic Seminary and Gymnasium |
Mokritz | NPEA Mokritz | Styria (Austria) | 1942 | Castle |
Achern | NPEA Achern | Baden | August 1943 | The Illenau Sanatorium and Hospice |
Kuttenberg (Kutná Hora) | NPEA Böhmen | Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia | 22 April 1944 | Jesuit college and barracks |
Raudnitz an der Elbe (Roudnice nad Labem) | NPEA Raudnitz | Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia | July 1944 | Roudnice Castle |
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'My teaching is hard.
Weakness has to be knocked out of them.
In my Ordensburgen a youth will grow up before which the world will shrink back.
A violently active, dominating, intrepid, brutal youth -- that is what I am after.
Youth must be all those things. It must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness or tenderness in it.
I want to see once more in its eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the beast of prey....
In this way I shall eradicate the thousands of years of human domestication.
Then I shall have in front of me the pure and noble natural material.
With that I can create the New Order - mankind born anew.'
Adolf Hitler
After the Napolas came the Ordensburgen (Order Castles).
The Ordensburg program began in the spring of 1933 when Adolf Hitler visited a trade school in Bernau.
As a result Hitler became convinced that similar academies were needed to educate the rising generation.
The schools were planned in various remote locations such the Pomerania lakes District in West Prussia, the Eifel in west Germany, the Allgäu in Bavaria and along the Nogat River in East Prussia.
Ordensjunkers (Castle Squires) candidates were required to be at least 5 ft 4, between 23 and 26, racially pure and in good health, and without any physical limitations.
Krössinsee - Die Falkenburg am Krössinsee
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Krössinsee Ordensburg Die Falkenburg am Krössinsee |
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Krössinsee Ordensburg Die Falkenburg am Krössinsee |
Built by architect Clemens Klotz, the Volkish styled complex of buildings consisted of numerous buildings with granite foundations, rustic stone facades and thatched roofs and cost an estimated 20 million Reichsmarks to complete.
The complex was laid out on a grid system and consisted of two 150-foot (46 m) towers, the barracks called the Kameradschafthausen, a court of honor, sports hall and mammoth administration building.
Classes began each morning at 7 am and included studies in philosophy, politics and world history. Afternoons were devoted to military drills, battle tactics, sports and equestrian techniques.
The school was recognized for its outstanding equestrian program.
The school was recognized for its outstanding equestrian program.
The nearby lake provided the means for students to develop their rowing and sailing skills.
On May 16, 1941, the Ordensburg was renamed Die Falkenburg am Krössinsee.
The second year of study in the Junker program was held at Burg Vogelsang locating on a slope overlooking the Urft river in the region of west Germany called the Eifel.
Built by Clemens Klotz, the sprawling complex included the Adlerhof (Eagle court), a church like structure called the Gemeinschaftshaus (community house), Wirtschauftgegebäude (economics building), Haus des Wissens or (House of Knowledge), the Kameradschaftshäusen or (Barracks), the Burgsschenke or cantine, Swim and sports Hall.
The daily rountine consisted of 6:00 early morning exercise 7:00 muster, 8:00 - 10:00 project groups, 10:00 - 12:00, mess followed by lectures and afternoon sports, group projects 5:00 - 6:30 pm and rest at 10:00 pm. Studies consisted of National socialist race science, geopolitics and intensive sportive education (especially equitation).
Another emphasis was pilot training.
It was at Ordensburg Sonthofen that the Junkers would have begun their third year of study,
Designed by one of Hitler's favorite architects, Hermann Giesler, the huge complex underwent revisions and expansions lasting eight years at a cost of 150 million German Reichsmarks.
Phase one which took two years to build was dedicated simultaneously with Krössinsee and Vogelsang on April 24, 1936 and included the Burg (central castle) with its Ehrenhof (court of honor), Wohnhof (assembly grounds) and the east and west wings of the structure consisting of the Fuchsbau (Wolf's Den/cantine) and Gemeinschaftsraum (community room).
Phase two completed in 1937 included the Unterkunftsgebäude (accommodations or barracks building), Turnhalle (gymnasium) and the 140-foot (43 m) Palace (tower) which was completely functional.
Phase three consisted of the Schwimmhalle (pool), Musiksaal (music room), Gymnastiksaal, Technisches Haus, Seminarbau as well as several other structures.
The day began with inspection at 6 am followed by a rigid class room study of German history, geography, Social studies, World history, studies in racial doctrine, fine arts and metal works. Sports and conditioning, a vital part of the program was conducted in the late afternoon.
Skiing played an essential role during the long winter months.
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Marienburg |
Built during the 13th and 14th century by the legendary Teutonic Knights, Marienburg not only served as the order's principal fortress but during the Third Reich it was used as a Nazi shrine for mythical Germanic worship.
Youth groups from all over Germany would descend on the castles to partake in a variety of ceremonies, rituals and theatrical pageants.
The leadership of the Reich found the strict military and monastic life style of the Teutonic order very conducive to the development and training the Führer's rising generation.
Ordensjunkers advanced from their third year at Sonthofen to their fourth and final year at Ordensburg Marienburg.
Within the shadows of the historic Teutonic fortress where the legendary knights ruled the Prussian lands five centuries before, the Junkers of the Third Reich would've completed their training just outside the wall of the lower castle.
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And the completion of their training would be the 'act of creation, the divine operation,
the goal of a biological mutation which would result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race, and the appearance of a new race of heroes, demi-gods and god-men'.
Each young man would be a chalice into which the essence of the divine would be poured, like a spear penetrating the cup of the grail - erlösung ist dem erlöser
"I am founding an Order.
It is from the burgs that the second
stage will emerge – the stage of the 'Man-God', when Man will be the measure and centre of the world.
The 'Man-God', that splendid Being, will be an object of worship ...
But there are other stages about which I am not permitted to speak ..."
Adolf Hitler
click below for more information about
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S C H L O ß W E W E L S B U R G

The centre of the SS, Himmler's new order of knights, an "aristocracy of soul and blood", was the Wewelsburg castle.
This was Himmler's “Camelot”, with SS commanders cast as the Knights of the Round Table.
Rooms were dedicated to figures of Nordic history and mythology like King Arthur. Himmler's room was dedicated to King Heinrich I, founder of the first German Reich (empire).
Heinrich Himmler even claimed to have been the spiritual successor and reincarnation of Heinrich the Fowler, having established special SS rituals for the old king and having returned his bones to the crypt at Quedlinburg Cathedral.
Himmler even had his personal quarters at Wewelsburg castle decorated in commemoration of Heinrich the Fowler.
Another room was set aside to house the Holy Grail (see left), which was to be searched for all over the world.
Himmler's goal was to "create a focus point of all the aspirations he had towards religion and science'.
To this end, Himmler set out to re-establish an ancient Aryan religion within Germany in opposition to Christianity, as a basis for Nazi ideology.
Himmler maintained that many sacred symbols had been stolen from a more ancient Aryan religion and set out to restore them.
One such symbol was the Holy Grail.
One leading academic recruited to the Nazi cause was Otto Rahn, the leading German authority on the Holy Grail.
He was brought into the SS to lead the search for it the world over.
Initially, the Wewelsburg was intended to be a museum and officer's college for ideological education within the SS, but it was subsequently placed under the direct control of the office of the Reichsführer SS (Himmler) in February 1935.
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The centre of the SS, Himmler's new order of knights, an "aristocracy of soul and blood", was the Wewelsburg castle.
This was Himmler's “Camelot”, with SS commanders cast as the Knights of the Round Table.
Rooms were dedicated to figures of Nordic history and mythology like King Arthur. Himmler's room was dedicated to King Heinrich I, founder of the first German Reich (empire).
Heinrich Himmler even claimed to have been the spiritual successor and reincarnation of Heinrich the Fowler, having established special SS rituals for the old king and having returned his bones to the crypt at Quedlinburg Cathedral.
Himmler even had his personal quarters at Wewelsburg castle decorated in commemoration of Heinrich the Fowler.
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Himmler's goal was to "create a focus point of all the aspirations he had towards religion and science'.
To this end, Himmler set out to re-establish an ancient Aryan religion within Germany in opposition to Christianity, as a basis for Nazi ideology.
Himmler maintained that many sacred symbols had been stolen from a more ancient Aryan religion and set out to restore them.
One such symbol was the Holy Grail.
One leading academic recruited to the Nazi cause was Otto Rahn, the leading German authority on the Holy Grail.
He was brought into the SS to lead the search for it the world over.
Himmler had visited the Wewelsburg on 3 November 1933 and April 1934; the SS took official possession of it in August 1934.
The occultist Karl Maria Wiligut (known in the SS under the pseudonym 'Weisthor') accompanied Himmler on his visits to the castle.
Wewelsburg is a Renaissance castle located in the northeast of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in the village of Wewelsburg (the same name as the castle) which is a quarter of the city Büren, Westphalia, in district of Paderborn in the Alme Valley.
In its current form the Wewelsburg was built from 1603 to 1609 as secondary residence for the prince-bishops of Paderborn namely Fürstbischof Dietrich von Fürstenberg.
Significantly, its location is near what was then believed to be the site of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
Legend suggests that the castle held thousands of accused witches during the 17th century, who were tortured and executed within its walls.
During the Seven Years' War (1756–1763) the basement rooms were probably used as military prison.
Till the end of the prince-episcopalian times in 1802 prison cells existed in a dungeon in the basement of the west tower.
Wewelsburg is a Renaissance castle located in the northeast of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in the village of Wewelsburg (the same name as the castle) which is a quarter of the city Büren, Westphalia, in district of Paderborn in the Alme Valley.
In its current form the Wewelsburg was built from 1603 to 1609 as secondary residence for the prince-bishops of Paderborn namely Fürstbischof Dietrich von Fürstenberg.
Significantly, its location is near what was then believed to be the site of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
Legend suggests that the castle held thousands of accused witches during the 17th century, who were tortured and executed within its walls.
During the Seven Years' War (1756–1763) the basement rooms were probably used as military prison.
Till the end of the prince-episcopalian times in 1802 prison cells existed in a dungeon in the basement of the west tower.

The impetus for the change of the conception most likely came from Wiligut.
Wewelsburg is a Renaissance castle located in the northeast of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in the village of Wewelsburg (the same name as the castle) which is a quarter of the city Büren, Westphalia, in district of Paderborn in the Alme Valley.
The castle has the outline of a triangle.
After 1934 it was used by the SS under Heinrich Himmler and was to be expanded to the central SS-cult-site.
After 1941 plans were developed to enlarge it to the so-called "Center of the World".

Who called Himmler's attention to the castle is unknown, but there is speculation that Karl Maria Wiligut advised him. Wiligut allegedly was inspired by the old Westphalian legend of the "Battle at the birch tree" (Schlacht am Birkenbaum). The saga tells about a future "last battle at the birch tree" in which a "huge army from the East" is beaten decisively by the "West".
Wiligut supposedly predicted to Himmler that the Wewelsburg would be the "bastion".
Himmler expected a big conflict between Asia and Europe.
Himmer visited the Wewelsburg for the first time on 3 November 1933.
He was impressed by the triangular shape of the castle (reminicent of an acient spearhead) and the north-south-axis of the castle.
On the same day he decided to restore the castle.
In January 1934 the voluntary labour service started with the rebuilding work
The first SS commandant of the castle, Manfred von Knobelsdorff, envisioned a kind of Nordic academy.
Scientists in the SS practiced "Germanic applied research" ("germanische Zweckforschung") at the castle, with a purpose of supporting the racial doctrine of the SS.
Wewelsburg castle was also a center for archaeological excavations in the region.

Fields of activity included study of prehistory and ancient history (directed by Wilhelm Jordan, who led excavations in the region), study of medieval history and folklife (directed by Karlernst Lasch from March 1935), build-up of the "Library of the Schutzstaffel in Wewelsburg" (directed by Dr. Hans Peter des Coudres), and strengthening the National Socialist worldview in the village of Wewelsburg (directed by Walter Franzius, this included such work as renovation of a timbered house in the center of the village of Wewelsburg - the "Ottens Hof"—between 1935 and 1937 for use as a village community center; Franzius also undertook various other architectural tasks).
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Also working at the castle were proponents of a kind of SS esotericism consisting of Germanic mysticism, an ancestor cult, worship of runes, and racial doctrines: Himmler, for example, adapted the idea of the Grail to create a heathen mystery for the SS.
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The redesign of the castle by the SS referred to certain characters in the legends of the Grail: for example, one of the arranged study rooms was named Gral ("Grail"), and others, König Artus ("King Arthur"), König Heinrich ("King Henry"), Heinrich der Löwe ("Henry the Lion"), Widukind, Christoph Kolumbus ("Christopher Columbus"), Arier ("Aryan"), Jahrlauf ("course of the seasons"), Runen ("runes"), Westfalen ("Westphalia"), Deutscher Orden ("Teutonic Order"), Reichsführerzimmer ("Room of the Empires Leader(s)"; "Reichsführer-SS", or "the Empire's Leader of the SS" was Himmler's title), Fridericus (probably in reference to Frederick II of Prussia), tolle Christian (probably referring to Christian the Younger of Brunswick, Bishop of Halberstadt), and Deutsche Sprache ("German language").
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Oak was used to panel and furnish these rooms.
All interior decoration was shaped by an SS sensibility in art and culture; the preferred elements of design were based on runes, swastikas, and Germanically interpreted sense characters.
Tableware, decorated with runes and Germanic symbols of salvation, was manufactured specifically for Wewelsburg castle.
Himmler's private collection of weapons was housed in the castle.
From 1939, the castle was also furnished with miscellaneous objects of art, including prehistoric objects (chiefly arranged by the teaching and research group "Das Ahnenerbe"), objects of past historical eras, and works of contemporary sculptors and painters (mainly works by such artists as Karl Diebitsch, Wolfgang Willrich, and Hans Lohbeck—that is, art comporting with the aesthetics of National Socialism).
In 1934, the eastern castle bridge was built and the castle moat lowered.
The exterior plaster was removed to make the building look more castle-like.
The following year, a smithy was established on the ground floor of the North Tower for manufacture of the wrought-iron interior decoration of the castle.
The western and southern wings of the castle were rebuilt between 1934 and 1938; the eastern, between 1936 and 1938.
The first new building, the guardhouse (Wachgebäude), was constructed next to the castle in 1937; historical documentation of "Wewelsburg 1933–1945" has been housed there since 1982.
The first new building, the guardhouse (Wachgebäude), was constructed next to the castle in 1937; historical documentation of "Wewelsburg 1933–1945" has been housed there since 1982.
The North Tower was strengthened and rebuilt between 1938 and 1943.
The first commandant of the castle (Burghauptmann von Wewelsburg), from August 1934, was Obersturmbannführer (equivalent to Lieutenant Colonel) Manfred von Knobelsdorff.
Von Knobelsdorff was succeeded by Siegfried Taubert on 30 January 1938.
So called "SS-marriage-consecrations" (SS-Eheweihen) took place at the castle.
Since 1936 Himmler (who was often present at the castle) wanted more and more to expand the Wewelsburg to be a representative and ideological center of the SS Order.
At first planned to be an educational training center, during the 1930s more and more measures were taken to transform the castle into an isolated central meeting place for the highest ranking SS-officers.
For financing the project Himmler founded in 1936 the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung und Pflege deutscher Kulturdenkmäler e.V." (association for the advancement and maintenance of German cultural relics (registered association)) and assigned the association as building developer.
Till 1943 the project cost 15 million Reichsmark.
Due to a decree of 13 January 1943 all building projects which were unimportant for the war—including the Wewelsburg—had to be stopped.
Meetings of SS-Leaders
Swearing-in ceremonies were planned at the castle.
Meetings of SS-Group-Leaders (equivalent to lieutenant-generals) at so called "spring conferences" were planned since 1939.
Towards the end of the war Himmler ordered that Wewelsburg castle should become the "Reichshaus der SS-Gruppenführer" (Reich-House of the SS-Gruppenführer).
In 1938 Himmler ordered the return of all death's head rings (German: Totenkopfringe - SS Ehrenringe) of dead SS-men and officers.
They were to be stored in a chest in the castle.
This was to symbolize the ongoing membership of the deceased in the SS-Order.
The whereabouts of the approximately 11,500 rings after the Second World War is unclear, but it has been suggested that they were entombed in a local mountain by blasting closed the entrance to a cave.
Himmler's plans included making the Wewlesberg the "center of the new world" ("Zentrum der neuen Welt") following the "final victory".
The monumental estate was never realized; only detailed plans and models exist.
The installation of a 15 to 18-meter-high wall in the shape of a three-quarter circle with 18 towers including the actual castle area centred on the North Tower of the castle, 860 m in diameter, was planned.
The real purpose of the project was never clearly defined.
Inside of this castle area buildings were planned for the exclusive purposes of the Reichsführung-SS (Reich leadership SS).
The main road of an SS village was also to be centered on the North Tower of the castle with a diameter of 1270 m.
This road was to be connected with three radial roads and gates with the castle area.
The residential area was to be placed in the north-west, the center of the village in the north and the SS-barracks in the west of the castle area; between the barracks and village a villa colony for higher SS-leaders; in the southwest farmsteads.
In the architectural plans from 1941 the estate had the shape of a spear pointing towards the north; the 2 km long access avenue with four tree rows road looks like a spear shaft with an access to the Reichsautobahn (freeway) Rhynern-Kassel in the south (see architectural drawing).
The plan from 1944 shows the castle as the top of a triangular estate surrounded by further buildings (see another drawing and model from 1944).
The plans also included a "hall of the High Court of the SS" (Saal des Hohen Gerichtes der SS), streets, parkways, magnificent buildings, a dam with a power plant, freeway accesses and an airport.
Inside the North Tower two ritual rooms were created (1938–1943):
The "Obergruppenführersaal" (SS Generals' Hall) and the "vault" (Gruft).
Their ceilings were cast in concrete and faced with natural stone.
On the upper floors a further hall was planned.
The axis of this tower was to be the actual "Center of the World" (Mittelpunkt der Welt).
A preparation for an eternal flame in the vault, a swastika ornament in its zenith and a sun wheel embedded in the floor of the "Obergruppenführersaal" lie on this axis.
Both redesigned rooms were never used.
Where primary a cistern was a vault after the model of Mycenaean domed tombs was hewn into the rock which possibly was to serve for some kind of commemoration of the dead.
The room is unfinished. The floor was lowered 4.80 meters.
In the middle of the vault probably a bowl with an eternal flame was planned.
Around the presumed place for the eternal flame at the wall twelve pedestals are placed.
Their meaning is unknown. Above the pedestals, wall niches existed.
In the zenith of the vault as a swastika.
The swastika (Hakenkreuz) was understood as "the symbol of the creative, active life" (das Symbol des schaffenden, wirkenden Lebens) and as "race emblem of Germanism" (Rasseabzeichen des Germanentums).
The vault has special acoustics and illumination.
"From the heavens once bright stars are cast down,
Vanquished from the skies high above;
Raging the blaze grows, searing ash ascends high,
From fires wrath the life feeding flame;
Flame rising upward and scorched become the skies,
The Sun turns Black and Earth sinks to the sea, rising anew."
Voluspa, Hávamál
The Schwartze Sonne, as it is used within Germanic mysticist esotericism and Neo-Nazism today, is based primarily on the design of a floor mosaic at the castle of Wewelsburg (built 1603), a Renaissance castle located in the northwest of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
The mosaic is located in the ground floor room of the North-Tower of the castle, in the so-called Obergruppenführersaal ("Obergruppenführer hall", completed 1939-1943).The "Obergruppenführer" (literally: "Upper-Group-Leaders") were the highest ranking SS-generals.
It is not known if the SS had a special name for the ornament, or if they attributed a special meaning to it.
The sun wheel is significant for the Germanic light- and sun-mysticism which was propagated by the SS.
In their studies on sense characters, the sun apart was interpreted as "the strongest and most visible expression of god", the number twelve as significant for "the things of the target and the completion".
The mosaic at Wewelsburg itself is dark green on a whitish/greyish marble floor.
Probably a golden disc was originally located in the middle of the ornament.
Traditional Christianity was to be replaced by a "völkisch" (folkish or racial) cult.
Instead of Christianity, Himmler wanted a moral doctrine derived from the pre-Christian pagan Germanic heritage.
Cultic ceremonies and rituals were part of the everyday life of the SS, and the Wewelsburg was to be a center of a "species-compliant" religion (German: "artgemäße" Religion).
According to studies commissioned by the Third Reich regarding the beliefs of the pre-Christianized Germanic peoples, it was estimated that these pagan ancestors believed in "a grand force or a grand god in the background of the multiplicity of gods and spirits who becomes visible in a multiple way in the universe, on earth and in the life of all beings and facts".
So the sun was interpreted as "only one, but a very important and significant expression (of that force or god) in the surrounding events and in the life of the ancestors".
The North Tower of the castle was to be the centre of a planned circular estate, 1.27 kilometres in diameter ( see the architectural drawing and model from 1944).
The architects called the complex the "Center of the World" from 1941 on.
The North Tower, which had survived a ruin after 1815, only assumed importance for Himmler starting in the autumn of 1935.
In the process of Himmler establishing the castle as a cult site (an ideological and religious centre of the SS), the tower was to serve the highest-ranking SS leaders as a meeting place and probably as location for quasi-religious devotions.
Nothing is known about the possible way and the kind of arrangement of designated ceremonies in the tower - the redesigned rooms were never used.
According to the architects, the axis of the North Tower was to be the actual "Center of the World".
The inside of the complete castle was redesigned in a völkish mythological way (see the Wewelsburg SS School).
SS architect Hermann Bartels presented a first draft of plans that envisioned using the North Tower on three different levels:
Where primary a cistern was a vault after the model of Mycenaean domed tombs was created which probably was to serve for some kind of commemoration of the dead.
The room is unfinished. In the middle exists a preparation for an eternal flame.
A "columned hall" was to be constructed on the ground floor for the SS-Obergruppenführer.
The sun wheel–shaped ornament, later called the "Black Sun", is placed here.
Finally, the upper floors were to be completed as a meeting hall for the entire corps of the SS Gruppenführer (not realized).
However, a meeting in the first floor mosaic room never occurred—the building work at the room was stopped in 1943.
In 1945, when the "final victory" didn't materialize, the castle was partially blasted and set on fire by the SS, but the two redesigned rooms in the North-Tower stayed intact.
It is not known whether this symbol was placed in the marble floor at Wewelsburg before or after the National Socialist Regime and the taking over of the castle by Himmler.
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© Copyright Peter Crawford 2014 |
The plans for the North Tower by SS architect Hermann Bartels make no mention of it. Scholars today are reluctant to say with any certainty why it was put there, or by whom.
Because the ceilings of the North-Tower were cast in concrete and faced with natural stone during the Third Reich, it is more likely that the ornament was created during the Himmler era.
There is, although its origins are unknown, an identical rendition of the Wewelsburg Schwarze Sonne in a wall painting at a World War II military bunker memorial to Bismarck at Hamburg below a statue of Bismarck (see Bismarck-Monument (Hamburg)).
It is with a central piece incorporating a sun-wheel and swastikas and the texts "Nicht durch Reden werden große Fragen entschieden, sondern durch Eisen und Blut" ("Great questions will not be resolved by talk, but by iron and blood").
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© Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
To insiders, initiates within the Third Reich, the abbreviation "SS" did not stand for "Schutzstaffel" but for the words "Schwarze Sonne".
"Schwarze Sonne" means "Black Sun" in English.
The "Black Sun" is often associated with the mystic-esoteric aspects of National Socialism.
The idea of the Black Sun can been seen as a substitute swastika and mystical source of energy capable of regenerating the Aryan race".
The visible sun is described as a symbol of an invisible anti-sun:
This invisible or burnt out Sun (Karl Maria Wiligut's 'Santur' in Volkisch mysticism mysticism) symbolizes an opposing force or pole.
Emil Rüdiger, of Rudolf John Gorsleben's 'Edda-Gesellschaft' (Edda Society), claimed that a fight between the new and the old Suns was decided 330,000 years ago (Karl Maria Wiligut dates this 280,000 years ago), and that 'Santur' had been the source of power of the Hyperboreans.
The Wewelsburg symbol can be deconstructed into three swastikas; a "rising", a "zenith" & a "setting" one.
Another interpretation is that the symbol incorporates twelve reversed "Sig runes" of the Armanen runes.
Allegedly, the design was drawn for Heinrich Himmler from an "old Aryan emblem".
The symbol of the Black Sun unites the three most important symbols of Volkisch and National Socialist ideology - the sun wheel, the swastika and the stylized victory rune.
Erich Halik was the first to link the esoteric SS with the Black Sun roundel insignia carried by German aircraft in the polar region at the close of World War II.
The "Black Sun" is often associated with the mystic-esoteric aspects of National Socialism.
The idea of the Black Sun can been seen as a substitute swastika and mystical source of energy capable of regenerating the Aryan race".
The visible sun is described as a symbol of an invisible anti-sun:
"Everything that can be comprehended by human senses is material, the shadow of the invisible spiritual light. The material fire is - seen in this way - also just the shadow of the spiritual fire."The term Black Sun may originate with the mystical "Central Sun" in Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy.
This invisible or burnt out Sun (Karl Maria Wiligut's 'Santur' in Volkisch mysticism mysticism) symbolizes an opposing force or pole.
Emil Rüdiger, of Rudolf John Gorsleben's 'Edda-Gesellschaft' (Edda Society), claimed that a fight between the new and the old Suns was decided 330,000 years ago (Karl Maria Wiligut dates this 280,000 years ago), and that 'Santur' had been the source of power of the Hyperboreans.
The Wewelsburg symbol can be deconstructed into three swastikas; a "rising", a "zenith" & a "setting" one.
Another interpretation is that the symbol incorporates twelve reversed "Sig runes" of the Armanen runes.
Allegedly, the design was drawn for Heinrich Himmler from an "old Aryan emblem".
The symbol of the Black Sun unites the three most important symbols of Volkisch and National Socialist ideology - the sun wheel, the swastika and the stylized victory rune.
Erich Halik was the first to link the esoteric SS with the Black Sun roundel insignia carried by German aircraft in the polar region at the close of World War II.
The Black Sun, to initiated individuals, is a physical body like our visible sun except that the Black Sun is not visible to the naked eye.
This Black Sun radiated light which was invisible to the human eye.
The concept of the Black Sun seems to have bordered upon the religious.
It was said to be located at the centre of our galaxy.
The earth along with every other celestial body in the galaxy rotate around this Black Sun.
The Black Sun is sometimes represented symbolically as a black sphere out of which eight arms extend.
Such is its most famous rendition on the mosaic floor at Wewelsburg Castle which served as the spiritual home of the SS.
The more astute reader will recognize at this point that the swastika, the very icon of the Nazi
Party, was itself is a Black Sun symbol.
The point is that concept of the Black Sun is not just 'Volkisch mumbo-jumbo', for the Black Sun is in reality a cold, collapsing implosive vortex as described by Viktor Schauberger (see left) or Karl Schappeller.
It gathers and densities yet is as cold as interstellar space.
It does generate unseen radiation in the form of cosmic, gamma and x-ray radiation.
This is possible because in spite of what was said by some, the Black Sun is very real.
In fact, the Black Sun is the most powerful force yet observed in our universe.
Forty or so years after the demise of the SS, scientists, in this case astronomers, have located the Black Sun at the very centre of our galaxy.
It is the centre of great spiral vortex of stars which draws in matter and energy and
generates the aforementioned radiations near it periphery.
The Black Sun is, in reality, a huge system or perhaps it could even be called a huge machine.
We and our entire galaxy are all part of this machine whirling through space.
All the matter it contains, the stars, planets, asteroids, comets, meteors and so forth, are all bound in a context of energy.
Our galaxy, with the Black Sun as its heart, operates as a vast machine using all the matter and energy contained therein and using every law of physics at once in its operation.
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© Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
It is the same kind of implosive vortex from which the Germans were about to build a "new science" based upon creative, living energy as we have discussed.
It may have been the same force which was to propel their flying discs.
Yet who in the media would dare give credit to those associated with the 3rd Reich for making these connections so long ago ?
In fact, who in the media would even point out this connection today ? None.
In fact, who in the media would even point out this connection today ? None.
As far as they are concerned, one is politically incorrect to ever say or imply that the National Socialists thought of or developed anything of value.
To do so would be to commit professional suicide.
To do so would be to commit professional suicide.
Even if one wanted to make this connection in print or film form, no politically correct publisher or producer would touch it, at least in English.
Not only does the media fail to give credit where credit is due, or to even mention or explain this concept, but anyone seeking to look into such concepts runs the real risk of being branded a 'new-Nazi'.
On the ground floor the "Obergruppenführersaal" (literally translated: Upper-Group-Leaders-Hall (refers to the original twelve highest ranking SS-generals)), a hall with twelve columns joined by a groined vault, twelve window- and door-niches and eight longitudinal windows was created.
The rebuilding work stopped in 1943.
It is believed it was to serve as a representative hall for the SS-Obergruppenführer.

In the center of the marbled whitish/grayish floor a dark green sun wheel (Sonnenrad - Swartze Sonne or Black Sun) is embedded . The axis of the sun wheel consisted of a circular plate of pure gold, which was to symbolize the center of the castle and thus the entire "Germanic world empire".
The sun wheel had a relation to Germanic light and sun-mysticism which was propagated by the SS.
There is a Latin inscription above the entrance "Domus mea domus orationis vocabitur" (My house is called a house of prayer).
The Upper Floors
The upper floors were to be completed as a multi-storied hall with a big dome.
It was to be a prestigious meeting hall for the entire corps of the SS-Gruppenführer.
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© Copyright Peter Crawford 2017 |
To avoid Allied bombing, the Ahnenerbe relocated to Waischenfeld in Franconia on August 1943.
There they remained until American forces took the city in April 1945.
The war ended before the Ahnenerbe found another permanent home, and, during the interim period, a great number of documents were destroyed.
Had the Ahnenerbe survived the war, Himmler planned to use its members to staff an SS-University at Leyden in the Netherlands.
Those that survived the war faded back into academia under their own or false names.

© Copyright Zac Sawyer 2017
Pasewalk Vision
"It is my ultimate aim to perform an act of creation, a divine operation,
ReplyDeletethe goal of a biological mutation which will result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the appearance of a new race of heroes, demi-gods and god-men".
Adolf Hitler"
Where is the source for this quote please? All I get when I try and find a source for it is link after link to this site.
This quote comes from Hermann Rauschning. For more information on Rauschning see http://thirdreichocculthistory.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/hitlers-table-talk.html
DeleteHave you got more information about Karotechia and experiment with Azathoth?
ReplyDeleteI have not been able to find any further information about this subject.
DeleteAny new information will be posted
There is some interesting information about this subject - though very little on the Internet.
DeleteThis information will be appearing in the post 'DEUTSCH OKKULTE PHYSIK' - when I get the time - but soon.
Thank you for reminding me about this.
Hello Peter
ReplyDeleteFascinating and informative site, by the way. Though not strictly "occult" related, I have read from more than one source that the Germans may have had the atomic bomb and that the bomb the USA dropped on Japan was, in fact, taken from Germany. Do you have any information regarding this subject?
Many thanks
Mr Crawford,
ReplyDeleteThank you for continuing with your fascinating and beautiful blogs.
I just thought I should point out that the castle you have labelled Marienburg is actually Karlštejn Castle in Bohemia. It was one of the places where the imperial regalia of the Holy Roman Empire were kept in the Middle Ages.
Pilgrim Fool
Quite right - my mistake. A new, hopefully correct, image has been posted.
DeleteA very interesting article. The insights are really helpful and informative. Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteProject Management Consultancy services in India